There are many reasons why knee pain may appear. Ignoring these complaints can worsen symptoms and make treatment difficult. If under different conditions you really feel pain in the knee joint, then you need to contact the diagnostic center and, in case of complications, start treatment.
Knee pain after running
Knee pain often occurs after running. In many instances, knee pain after running is harmless. It’ll disappear no later than two days later. If the pain is incredibly severe or persists for a long time, you must consult a physician which will help prevent playing sports. There might be inflammation from the knee joint. Other possible reasons:
– In beginners, the connective tissue and articular cartilage may not be adapted for the increased load.
– The runner already has cartilage damage, so there is definitely an inflammatory response after a workout.
– Inflammation from the knee joint with bursitis.
– The patella isn’t exactly adapted towards the model of the sliding channel inside the thigh.
Misalignment, like bending your legs or bending your legs, can aggravate knee pain from a run.
Knee pain after upright
Pain occurring after a period of physical rest at the beginning of movement is called starting pain.
– Osteoarthritis with the knee (abnormal wear from the cartilage inside the knee joint, often known as knee osteoarthritis) is among the most standard reason for morning knee pain and starting pain inside the elderly.
– Patellar Tip Syndrome: In such cases, the tendon attachment site that connects the kneecap on the tibia becomes inflamed. At the outset of the movement there is a stabbing pain, which subsides after warm up.
– In the elderly, degenerative diseases from the cartilage and meniscus are often the cause. Wear and tear on the knee can bring about meniscus tears, cartilage wear, and osteoarthritis in the knee.
– Such degeneration may also be brought on by older ankle sprains which may have not fully healed and accelerate the wear and tear from the knee joint.
Knee pain when climbing stairs
Possible reasons for knee pain when descending a mountain:
– The cartilage from the femur is damaged, hence the patella cannot glide properly.
– Bursitis causes stress on the sliding tissue in front of the patella and under the patellar tendon.
– There’s a tear or problems for the cruciate ligament. A knee without cruciate ligament is unstable during certain movements and arches to the sides.
To learn more about knee pain see the best internet page