Counter-Strike Source – Recommendations and Tricks

To begin with, it should be understood that in Counter-Strike: Source (CS), there are numerous different map types. This type are:

Bomb Map (de). The Terrorist goal inside a bomb map is to go to a specific location (marked on your own map) and plant an explosive. The explosive is over a timer, so once it really is planted, you need to defend it until detonation.

The counter-terrorist goal on bomb maps would be to avoid the terrorists from planting the bomb without exceptions. This can be done by reduction of all the terrorists, defusing the planted bomb, or (occasionally) defending the bomb site until time runs out.

Hostage Rescue (cs). In hostage rescue maps, the primary goal for counter-terrorists is to rescue hostages captured and held by the Terrorists. You can even win by reduction of the terrorist team.

The Terrorist goal is usually to simply avoid the counter-terrorists from rescuing the hostages through the elimination of them, or maintaining control of the hostages until time expires.

Bomb Maps – Counter-Terrorist. Being a counter-terrorist on bomb maps, the best choice (definitely) is usually to take away the terrorist team before they could plant the bomb. Defusing the bomb allows you to a sitting duck, which is a predicament you wish to avoid. Keeping the terrorists looking to plant the bomb means you are free to stay on the defensive, which gives you an advantage.

Bomb Maps – Terrorist. Like a terrorist, your only goal is usually to completely overrun a bomb site. If you cann’t take over a bomb site inside the first 30 seconds, your team will probably lose the round. The very best approach is to rush everyone over a team apart from 2 or 3 (tops) one site. Another few players will work as a distraction at the other site, so the counter-terrorists guarding it are not shipped in as re-enforcements.

Hostage Maps – Counter-Terrorist. I’ve found the most effective process to be spreading they out and attacking from all angles. Coordinate a simultaneous attack if at all possible, but be sure nobody just “runs in, guns blazing,” because that technique almost guarantees death within a hostage map.

If someone side with the attack manages to punch through and obtain inside the area under Terrorist control, the remainder of the team should proceed to that area in order to profit the attack.

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