The Gili Islands are among the most favored holiday destinations for tourists searching for an isolated exposure to a peaceful feeling of getaway. Gili, meaning small islands, is composed of three small islands that stretch as three dots from the mainland of Lombok. These are generally Gili Trawangan, Gili Air and Gili Meno. Life for the island is very care-free, with a lot of locals occupying Trawangan which is the furthest from the mainland. It’s also generally known as Party Island, and also the name says all this. The islands are surrounded with crystal clear waters and filled up with a limitless selection of marine life extending in the deep sea. The lake is edged out by white sandy beaches that provide the top sun bathing spots throughout the day, along with the best sunset spots in the evenings.
The area of Gili Air was the first ones to have inhabitant settlement due to the close proximity to the Lombok mainland. Oahu is the smallest from the three and lies relating to the Lombok mainland and the Gili Meno Island. Aforementioned could be the second biggest in proportions and lies in between your island of Gili Air and Party Island. The weather in Meno is quite mellow with a rich feeling of appreciation for tourism, traditions and cultures of the natives.
Beautiful hawaii and automobile-free and also the serenity of limited modernity is pretty splendid. They may be seen as small tents in the role of hotels, restaurants and beach resorts. Trawangan includes a faster pace of development as compared with Meno and Air. In general, the Gili Islands are blessed with their unique sense of charm and charisma. Accommodation varies, from back-packer recognized rooms, chic boutique rooms and bungalows, hotels and villas. There are zero high rise hotels and 0 tour buses too.
Transportation both to and from the hawaiian islands is fixed to fast boat rides across the sea and travelers have plenty from which to choose. Local charter boats are for sale for hire. Tourists and travelers generally speaking also can select the twice-daily boat ride that goes approximately Rp 20,000 per person. The temptation to swim over the islands may occasionally be rather high, however needs to be the final thing in your mind. The unpredictable tides and currents may land an individual really ocean situation, and cases on dead swimmers have been reported before.
More info about Hotel Gili Trawangan resource: read.